【同义词辨析】 2019-05-28 有害pernicious-detrimental
pernicious: implies irreparable harm done through evil or insidious corrupting or undermining: the claim that pornography has a ~ effect on society. (insidious阴险潜伏的implies someone or something dangerous that develops gradually without being noticed,如insidious enemy/virus阴险的敌人,潜藏的病毒) (undermine(逐渐)损害,如削弱根基to make something weaker at the base gradually, for example by digging under it,如she undermined him and destroyed his confidence in his own talent她暗中逐渐打击他,让他对自己的才华失去信心) pornography淫秽作品,如书刊音像制品
baneful: implies injury through poisoning or destroying influence: the ~ notion that discipline destroys creativity.
noxious: applies to what is both offensive and injurious to the health of body or mind: ~ fumes emanating from a chemical plant. 如their behaviour was noxious他们的行为令人生厌,这里noxious主要表示让人恶心。 emanate散发
deleterious: applies to what has an often unsuspected or unanticipated harmful effect, especially on the living body: megadoses of vitamins can have ~ effects. 巨量
detrimental: implies something obviously, but not necessarily extremely, harmful to the thing it affects: the ~ effects of prolonged fasting.
pernicious恶性有害: 指造成难以挽回的恶性伤害,如腐蚀损害根基,baneful有毒: 指有毒的毁灭性的伤害,noxious恶心有害: 既让人恶心又有害健康,deleterious有害: 指一般怀疑不到预料不到会有害,detrimental有害: 指某物明显有害,但不是极其严重
记忆方法: 1)首字母PBNDD想成普遍能抵挡<==有害 (在《臣轨》一文中,武则天认为谋虑慎密、注重细节、早做准备、谨言慎行可以避免忧患祸害,原文如下:"夫修身正行,不可以不慎。谋虑机权,不可以不密。忧患生于所忽,祸害兴于细微。人不慎密者,多有终身之悔。故言易泄者,召祸之媒也。事不慎者,取败之道也。明者视于无形,聪者听于无声,谋者谋于未成。不困在于早虑,不穷在于早豫。非所言勿言,以避其患;非所为勿为,以避其危。")
2)有害的意思是有伤害mean exceedingly harmful.